Weekend Assignment-Place

This past weekend I went to Ireland. Although it was a short trip, it was fruitful nonetheless. After arriving late Thursday night, we made it into our hostel with no problems. This was the first time I had ever stayed in hostel. From the beginning I noticed how much of a community the place had. I would even go so far as to say that the design principal of unity and contrast was present. On one hand, most of us were united by our age and zest for exploration of Europe. Yet, there was contrast in where we came from, our backgrounds, heritage, reason for traveling etc. I felt as though I was part of a community greater than just the six other girls I went with. A community of wanders, nomad, just people on a mission to explore.

The next day we wandered around Dublin. I instantly sensed so much positive energy from the locals. Every single person I met in Ireland was so kind, caring, SMILING and just gave off so much energy that it made the cobblestone streets come alive. Additionally it was the first time all trip where I didn’t feel like I had to hold onto my bag for dear life for fear of being pickpocted. The overall theme of being relaxed  consistently shined through the city, making it a truly enjoyable place to be. We toured the Guinness Beer Factory, Ireland’s claim to fame! Inside we tried samples, learned how the beer was made and had breathtaking views of the city. It was easy to tell that the people of Ireland took a lot of pride in Guinness. It was important to them. Even when I was out and about during the weekend, I noticed how nearly every patron at a restaurant boasting an Irish accent or not had a Guinness in their hand. Speaking of food, Ireland’s food in contrast to food in Paris was superb.  Some of my favorites include the freshest salad with sun dried tomato paste with a poppy seed mustard dressing over a bed of hazelnuts and sugar snap peas, the burger that had to be the best beef I have ever had, the fish and chips and my favorite was the heart wheat bread. The food was so flavorful! This is not to say that food in Paris is not good, but they seem to contrast on their specialties. Paris being scones, pastries, cheese, bread and wine; Ireland being the meat, grains, produce, and dairy—the hearty foods.

The next day we drove to the opposite end of the country and went to the Cliffs of Moher. These beauties of towering rocks provided breathtaking views that hugged the rocky Atlantic coastline with the rolling Irish countryside stretching into infinity behind it. In total, the trip to Ireland demonstrated how different two countries may be, even if they are only a few hundred miles apart from each other. It made me appreciate the uniqueness that each country has to offer and most importantly to get out there and travel at every chance I get!

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